No, I do not have one. I've often
heard of those who jokingly say they should have one because they
think they thought of an idea first. Today is U.S. Patent Day and
patent often go hand in hand with inventions or discoveries, to
protect them. If you have ever had a patent, today is your day to be
thankful for them.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Cheesecake Day
It's cheesecake day a day to be thankful for cheesecake. I enjoy cheesecake, usually with some kind of fruit topping. So does everyone else in my family. Sometimes it even becomes birthday cake at our house. Are you thankful for this wonderful treat?
Monday, July 29, 2013
Lasagna Day
One may think of Garfield the cat today
for today is Lasagna Day. I like eating lasagna and my wife makes
good lasagna. I don't think I'll be having it today though but that
doesn't mean I can't be thankful for it. Are you?
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Parents' Day
I am one and my and my Dad and Mom are
too What are we? Parents and today is Parents' Day. While I can't
say that all parents through history have been good, some have been
really bad, I can say that without them we wouldn't be here. Let's
use today to be thankful for our parents.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Bugs Bunny Day
What's Up Doc? It's Bugs Bunny Day. I
grew up watching cartoons staring Bug Bunny. I was never able to
figure out if he was the good guy or the bad guy. It's been awhile
since I've seen one. And if I did I'm sure I would still enjoy it.
Today is a day to be thankful for Bug's
Bunny and other cartoons that brought us good laughs.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Aunt and Uncle Day
A couple days ago was Cousins Day,
today is a day for their folks, today is Aunt and Uncle Day. I
remember my Aunts and Uncles and I remember them visiting or visiting
them and it always nice to hear from them. Today we will take the
time to be thankful for Aunts and Uncles. Come to think of it, I am
an Uncle.....
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Merry-Go-Round Day
It is Merry-Go-Round Day. I remember
one of these from childhood days at the elementary school I attended.
It was the most popular thing on the play ground. Now you don't
find very many of them. There is one where we will be heading
camping soon and guess what, it is the most popular thing on the play
ground and my kids love it.
Yes, I'm thankful for Merry-Go-Rounds
and the fun I've had on them.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Cousins Day
Not everyone has one but today is
cousins day. I have 4 cousins. If I count right my kids have 21+
cousins. Cousins are family. I don't remember seeing my cousins a
lot but enjoyed getting together with them. Likewise, my kids don't
see their cousins a lot but enjoy getting together with them. So,
today, let's be thankful for cousins.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Mosquito Day
I don't know. It is Mosquito Day, can one be thankful for such pests. Pests that buzz around you at night keeping you awake. That bite you, filling them selves with your blood leaving you with itchy spots. Of course they do become food for many creatures and they disappear when it gets cold so today we'll try to be thankful got mosquitoes.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Summer Leisure Day
People enjoy summer and people enjoy
leisure time, time to relax and enjoy what might not normally be
enjoyed. Today is Summer Leisure Day a day to be thankful for the
leisure time we have and the rest, relaxation, and enjoyment that can
come form such times.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
National Ice Cream Day
Who doesn't like ice cream? While
vanilla may be the most common, ice cream can be bought or made in
many, many flavors. It can be eaten in cakes, or with cakes, in
sandwiches, pizza, cones, in a bowl by itself.... It can also be
topped with fruits, nuts, syrup.....
Today is National Ice Cream Day so go
eat some ice cream but don't forget to be thankful for the ice cream
you eat.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
National Hot Dog Day
One of the videos my kids like to
watch on the Internet is how hot dogs are made and today is National
Hot Dog Day. Yeah, they may seem kind of gross when you watch that
but a hot dog on a stick over a fire is great. Of course, I do like
mine covered in chili.... Let's be thankful for hot dogs today.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Stick Your tongue Out Day
It is Stick Your tongue Out Day. No we
are not going to stick our tongues out at somebody but you could
stick it out at a mirror so you can see it and think of how wonderful
it is and of the amazing things that can be done with it. After
you've done that say thank you for your tongue.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Cow Appreciation Day
Have you ever been thankful for cows?
Have you ever enjoyed a glass of cold milk. Or, maybe a hamburger or
a steak. And just maybe you have enjoyed sticking your head out a car
window and mooing at a cow. Today we can be thankful for cows.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Sewing Machine Day
Today is Sewing Machine Day. Who has
one in their house? We have two. I remember m grandmother having
more than two. It's been many years since I've learned how to use
one and I have made several things with one. Regardless if you have
one or not, chances are, you are wearing something that was sewn on
one. So let's take today to be thankful for sewing machines.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Fresh Spinach Day
I suppose I can right about this one, maybe not....... It's Fresh Spinach Day. I am not a fan of Spinach but I've heard it is suppose to be good for you and I've heard people like it so we can be thankful for it.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Gummi Worm Day
It's Gummi Worm Day. Do you like to
eat gummi worms? I have kids that do and I've seen them used for fun
I some kind of salad made to look like dirt. No, they are not real
worms but candy of various flavors and colors.. so, today we can be
thankful for candy gummi worms and worms if you want.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Tape Measure Day
It is Tape Measure Day. How often do
you use a tape measure? In my job working with quality, I use them
often to make sure things are right. I have at least three
currently, 2 at work and one at home. The one at home often is used
by the 3 year old as a chainsaw. Let's be thankful today for such a
useful and fun device.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
National French Fry Day
It is National French Fry Day. I don't
know about you, nut I like french fries. I like them dipped in
ketchup or barbecue sauce. I know others like them dipped in other
things. Lately I've preferred them baked over fired in oil and not
covered in salt because I want them to be somewhat healthier. So
today I'll be thankful for french fries.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Paper Bag Day
Who has stopped to think about paper
bags. I've used them time and time again – for groceries mostly
but for lunches too. I've even used them for other things but what
would one do without them? I suppose plastic but paper has been
used longer.... Let's be thankful for paper bags
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Cheer Up The Lonely
Here is a day for you - Cheer Up The
Lonely Day. Have you ever had a time when you have felt lonely?
Have you ever had someone come a long and cheer you up. Were you
thankful? Not only can today be a reminder that there are lonely
people that need cheering up but that we should be thankful for those
who take the time to cheer them up.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Piña Colada Day
ever I think of Piña
Colada I'll
think of our wedding for it was a Piña Colada punch that was served
at the reception afterwards. It was the first time I had ever had it
and it was good. Now my kids like it to, do you? I'll be thankful
for Piña Colada today, not only because it taste good but for the
memories I have tied to it.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
National Sugar Cookie Day
Who likes sugar cookies? I like to eat
them and I would say the rest of my family does too. And the kids
love to make them in various shapes and frost them. I still remember
making them one time – long time ago – I was making heart shaped
ones and my niece was helping. As I cut them out she put them on the
pan and then squishing them. Anyways, lets be thankful for Sugar
Cookies today.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Video Game Day.
I can still remember my first video
game a console that played some kind of pong. Than I eventually got
an Atari 2600 and it was a lot of fun and then I got a Nitendo and
then a computer. Video games as long as we control them and don't
waste too much time on them can be enjoyable and stimulating
depending on the game and for that I'm thankful.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Macaroni Day
Many a kid I have know loves to eat
macaroni and cheese. I prefer my macaroni in the shape of spaghetti
noodles or lasagna noodles, etc. I also enjoy various macaroni
salads that my wife or daughter make. Yes I am thankful for
Macaroni, are you?
Saturday, July 6, 2013
World Kiss Day
When I told my wife it was World Kiss
Day she asked if that meant we had to kiss the ground.... I enjoy
being able to kiss my wife and my youngest children like to plant wet
kisses on me and then I pretend to melt. Are you thankful for
Friday, July 5, 2013
Graham Cracker Day
It's Graham Cracker Day, a day to be
thankful for cereal material, pie crust material, smore material or
just a snack. Graham Crackers get used for many things at our house
and are liked by all so today we'll be thankful for Graham Crackers.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Independence Day
It is Independence Day in America, a
day set aside to celebrate our countries independence. As we
celebrate, let's not forget to be thankful to God for the
independence that this country has had for with out God it would
never have been.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Stay Out Of The Sun Day
It is Stay Out Of The Sun Day. Now I know there are a lot of people who would like to be in the sun and I know there are people who would love to be in the shade – out of the sun. We need both Too little sun can be bad as well as to much sun. So who wants to be thankful today for sun and shade?
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
I forgot Day
Have you ever forgotten something? Have
you ever wished somethings were forgotten. Have you ever been
thankful for forgetfulness, like the time someone forgot you messed
up? Not all forgetfulness is bad when you look at it like that.
Let's be thankful that bad things can be forgot..
Monday, July 1, 2013
U.S. Postage Stamp Day
Today is U.S. Postage Stamp Day. I can
remember when you could by 20 stamps with a dollar and have change
left over. I won't test my memory to see how love I can remember
them. I can also remember a time when I collected stamps and had
stamp albums and would by used stamps. I also remember using lots of
stamps righting to a beautiful young lady. I quit writing to her
when I brought her home as my wife :) I was thankful for stamps and
still am.
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