Saturday, December 31, 2011

Month Twelve

      As the final month of 2011 comes to a close, here is a quick recap of my 4 goals for the past year..

#1 Start a blog called Everyday Thankfulness to encouraging thankfulness.

#2 Start a blog called Pupperville Ponderings where I can post all my puppet stories with some added thoughts to ponder.

#3 Finish making the rest of my unfinished puppets.

#4 Finish studying out the book of Revelation

      So, How did I do?

#1 I've continued posting daily to the Everyday Thankfulness and with this post will have posted 365 times on something to be thankful for. This goal was successfully completed and for the coming year I planning to keep this blog running but under a different format.

#2 All though I took a 5 week break during the busy soccer season, Pupperville Ponderings has had just under 50 stories posted and is gearing up for another year. I would say this goal was successfully completed.

#3 As for my puppets I'm not sure if I'll find the extra decorations I would like for three of them but the puppets are done and if I can ever get a camera working I'll get the pictures taken and posted on the above blog. As of now, I'm not planning to build more puppets. This goal was reached.

#4 My study of Revelation completed it's next leg of its journey a while ago and I'm thinking I will start turning my notes into a deeper study to be used as lessons along with some new puppet stories later in 2012. For what I wanted to accomplish, I think I got one leg of the journey completed but more is to come.

      Did you reach your goals? Do you have goals for the new year? I'm working on mine.

      Dear Lord, Thank you
  • For the ability to set goals to work towards
  • For making progress towards fulfilling them

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