Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Deep Freezer

     I love to pick blueberries and one year I got spoiled – picking blueberries that is. That year the berries were so thick that I was picking a 5qt pail in an hour and 15 minutes. I was passing up spots I used to think were good. Since the berries were so plentiful that year I started selling them at work. I sold lots of berries and could have sold more. - what foes that have to do with today's item to be thankful for? Well, it was with the money I earned from those berries that we were able to buy a deep freezer. - a wonderful addition to our kitchen.

     Now I know that most people who have deep freezers don't usually keep them in the kitchen – they take up space – but that is where ours resides and most of the time it is quite full. Having the freezer allows us to often buy in bulk when things are cheaper and keep them around for awhile.

      Dear Lord, Thank you
  • For our deep freezer

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