Friday, July 8, 2011

Bible Camps

     This week my 2nd oldest daughter, Emily, is off to Bible camp. Growing up I remember my sisters going to bible camp summer after summer but I couldn't be convinced to go. Finally as an older teen my sister convinced me to go to what is called Last Chance Camp which took place Labor Day weekend. I remember my sister packing for me - she packed summer clothes and it was anything but summer that weekend.

     Since than I started going to camp as faculty, leading groups, teaching classes, leading songs, preaching, being a cabin dad, etc. I remember one year at camp very well. There was this older girl named Shelly that kept getting in my way on the soccer field and sticking her tongue out at me. Needless to say, she caught my attention.

     Bible camp is a great time to get together with friends and learn from God's word.

      Dear Lord, Thank you
  • For Bible camps

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