Sunday, July 31, 2011

Month Seven

     Today marks the last day of the first month in the second half of 2011 Here is a quick recap of my 4 goals for 2011.

     #1 Start a blog called Everyday Thankfulness to encouraging thankfulness.

     #2 Start a blog called Pupperville Ponderings where I can post all my puppet stories with some added thoughts to ponder.

     #3 Finish making the rest of my unfinished puppets.

     #4 Finish studying out the book of Revelation

      Am I still making at least some progress on each of the goals? This is where I stand at the month seven

     #1 I've continued posting daily to the Everyday Thankfulness blog and yes there are still so many things to be thankful for. This post marks the 213th if I've counted correctly

     #2 Pupperville Ponderings has now had 30 posts made to it.

     #3 As for my puppets - All the heads have now been sewn on to their shirts or dresses and are ready to have their faces put on.

     #4 I have continued working on outlining each of my subdivisions and have made it through chapter 16

      How have you been doing on your goals...

      Dear Lord, Thank you
  • For the ability to set goals to work towards
  • For making progress towards fulfilling them

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